19 August 2009

Happy Photographers Day

Happy Photographers Day! I saw an announce from Mr.Roslee Karim in his facebook and thanks to Mr.Nizman because invite me to join that day. Firstly I was a bit shy because of their gear and experience but they said that cameraman is the most important. But in my opinion, lens is the most important things. You cannot shoot macro thing if u didnt have that macro lens and so on.

In that earlier morning, we gather at Waterfront near Hyatt Hotel and then take a group pictures with Sabah Professional Photographers Society, Mansau Ansau Photography, and the other freelances. And then we do street shoots from waterfront to the Asia City Complex for a tea time. In that time, they keep sharing their knowledge and their are really friendly eventhough they already involve in this field more the 5-30 years.

That is photography. Shoot and share some knowledge with other. After you shoot, and then they look at your pictures and said "try to..", "adjust your..", "beware wih..", and so on. Not like other that said "you needa good gear", "just a beginner shoot", what is this?", and so on. This is not a good way to share some knowledge. And then do not shoot randomly with knowing your subject because of two major things. You gain nothing but exhausted if you shoot randomly and you make your shutter jammed faster their it should.

Today I just shoot about 50+ pictures because for me when it comes to street, I keep in my mind that I want to shoot the memorable or interest moment and try to understand my subject. Chilling with them and ask them about their business, working hours, and so on. Finally, dont think Im the one who "kacang lupakan kulit". Im a freelancer, not working for any group. I just join their group activities if I free. We share the same hobby right?

Picture above for the Mansau Ansau record. Still waiting for the group photo will all of the us. At the right back, from the left is Mr. Nizman Lee, Mr.Wan Iskandar, Mr. Chan, Mr. Alex Lo, and Mr. Michael Willie. In front from the left is Mr. Mazran, Ms. Atiqah, Mr. Clament Makulim, Mr. Adam,and me.

Thank you. Enchek Izaan


Lina Shabbir said...

ada photographer's day ek?

Ch3NtA_LiF3 said...

cool...very interesting hobby (^_^)
then next time i can learn from u.. hehe