Today's date is 09-07-09. It means this blog ages is two month and thanks to all visitors because keep visiting my blog eventhough it was many defect. Broken english and unbeautifull pictures but I really enjoy it. I learn many things since I involve in this photography field and yes I already decide I want to focus in which field.
I really interest in landscape or scenery and I also called myself as sunset and rainbow hunter. But Im still learning in potraiture and macro but landscape is my priority. In my stage,photography is just my hobby but special hobby that tell me many stories and about special creation from almighty god.
Thank you. Enchek Izaan
Awesome pics you've taken there! I like the scenery pics you've taken so far, especially those of the clouds. Never mind if you're using broken English :)
I bet you've heard about this saying before:
"a picture tells a thousand words"
Keep up the good work!
dis is my personal favourite.
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