14 November 2009


Finally I decide to buy some Apple stuff because my laptop attacked by virus and I lost 142/250 pictures including my new sunrises pictures. How can you imagine? I am so speechless about it and yes, I will go to Mengkabong to shoot it again. To my dear buddies Mr. Dzul, Mr. Hazwan, Mr. Nuqman, and Mr. Petrus, sorry because just few of our pictures saved from the viruses.

Thank you. Enchek Izaan.


Lina Shabbir said...

buleh bukak fan club nih~
sy r peminat setia galeri nih

Imperatix said...

Are you buying the new white MacBook? It suppose to be better than my MacBookPro.

The Author said...

One more apple user is born..nice photography..you have proven its worth taking pictures...